★补而不燥,可当作正餐食用。精选药材;纯天然无防腐剂。真材实料 + 合理价格
★3款配套:基本版 RM428(固定)/ 精装版 RM628(可调配)/ 豪华版 RM828(可调配)
★3种天数:14天 / 28天 / 42天
Day 1: 生化排瘀汤 - 化瘀生新,排除恶露
Day 2: 养血暖宫汤 - 活血行气
Day 3: 养元提神汤 - 养心补血,产后培元
Day 4: 益精缩宫汤 - 补元气,促进子宫收缩
Day 5: 益气利消汤 - 益气利水,助子宫复原
Day 6: 暖宫养血汤 - 补血暖宫
Day 7: 补腰暖宫汤 - 补腰壮骨暖宫
Day 8: 补气提宫汤 - 补中益气提宫
Day 9: 当归补血汤 - 气血双补
Day 10: 祛风除湿汤 - 祛风除湿行气
Day 11: 养血通乳汤 - 滋养气血,促进乳汁分泌
Day 12: 补中益气汤 - 升阳益气补血
Day 13: 益气缩宫汤 - 补气血,调理子宫
Day 14: 补脑益智汤 - 醒脑益智
Day 15: 阿胶十全大补汤 - 气血双补
Day 16: 补腰养血通乳汤 - 促进乳汁分泌
Day 17: 益气补肾祛风汤 - 产后培元,祛风除湿
Day 18: 石斛益气养阴汤 - 益气养阴
Day 19: 阿胶补血养颜汤 - 补血,润肤养颜
Day 20: 益肾补骨通乳汤 - 强肾壮骨
Day 21: 黄精补肾益气汤 - 补肾益气养颜
Day 22: 滋阴补血养心汤 - 益气补血,健脾养心
Day 23: 养血补气十全汤 - 气血双补,调理子宫
Day 24: 当归养血补气汤 - 气血双补
Day 25: 人参补气固肾汤 - 气血双补,驱寒,调理子宫
Day 26: 巴仲强肾固腰汤 - 补肾壮骨
Day 27: 苁蓉补肾益精汤 - 益气养颜补肾
Day 28: 益气补血养颜汤 - 滋阴补肾
★Exclusively prepared by our TCM gynaecologist
★Tonic and mild, can be consumed as part of your meal. Premium quality; truly natural with no preservatives. Quality traditional herbs + reasonable price
★3 types of packages : Basic RM428 (fixed) / Advanced RM628 (customisable) / Premium RM828 (customisable)
★3 types of duration : 14 days / 28 days / 42 days
★Other than normal version, we also provide vegan version and caesarean delivery version
★After purchasing, you can always consult our TCM gynaecologist if you encounter any related problems
★Keep refrigerated to store longer
Day 1: Sheng Hua Pai Yu Soup - Improves blood circulation, helps to treat postpartum lochia
Day 2: Blood Nourishing Soup - Improves blood and qi circulation
Day 3: Yang Yuan Nourishing Soup - Tonifies qi and blood, helps in postpartum recovery
Day 4: Yi Jing Herbal Soup - Improves vital energy, promotes uterine contractions
Day 5: Qi Nourishing Soup - Tonifies qi, helps to repair uterus
Day 6: Blood Revitalising Soup - Tonifies blood, helps in postpartum recovery
Day 7: Body Strengthening Soup - Nourishes kidneys, strengthens bones
Day 8: Qi Nourishing Soup - Improves qi, helps in postpartum recovery
Day 9: Dang Gui Nourishing Soup - Tonifies qi and blood
Day 10: Wind & Dampness Removing Soup - Tonifies qi, expels pathogenic cold
Day 11: Blood Revitalising Soup - Tonifies qi and blood, promotes breast milk production
Day 12: Qi Nurturing Soup - Tonifies qi and blood
Day 13: Qi Tonifying Soup - Tonifies qi and blood, repair uterus
Day 14: Intelligence Soup - Replenishes energy, refreshes mind
Day 15: E Jiao & Ten Treasures Herbal Soup - Tonifies qi and blood
Day 16: Body & Blood Nourishing Soup - Promotes breast milk production
Day 17: Yi Qi Qu Feng Soup - Helps in postpartum recovery, expels pathogenic cold
Day 18: Shi Hu Tonifying Herbal Soup - Tonifies qi and yin
Day 19: E Jiao Nutrifying Soup - Tonifies blood, enhances appearance
Day 20: Kidney Tonic Herbal Soup - Strengthens kidneys and bones
Day 21: Huang Jing Nourishing Soup - Improves kidneys, qi and appearance
Day 22: Yin & Blood Nourishing Soup - Tonifies qi and blood, revitalises energy
Day 23: Special Shi Quan Soup - Tonifies qi and blood, repairs uterus
Day 24: Dang Gui Blood Nourishing Soup - Tonifies qi and blood
Day 25: Ginseng Energising Soup - Tonifies qi and blood, expels pathogenic cold, repairs uterus
Day 26: Kidney Tonic Herbal Soup - Strengthens kidneys and bones
Day 27: Cong Rong Tonifying Soup - Improves qi and appearance, strengthens kidneys
Day 28: Yin Nourishing Soup - Improves yin and kidneys
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健一堂中医医疗中心 JY TCM Centre
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